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Epic Multiplayer Battles

Quick matches on a gridded arena where you can team up with your friends, pull off the perfect combo, and get really competitive.
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Game screen and Darkfury hero

Team Up Wisely

Game screen and Darkfury hero
Explore various hero combinations that buff and complement each other in dozens of ways! Choose your hero from a diverse range of mages, archers, demons, melee warriors, shamans, and a multitude of other valiant characters, and compose a perfect team to dominate the game!
Game screen and Darkfury hero

Design Your Item Set

Game items
Create a personalized set of four items which will remain at your disposal throughout a match. Experiment with item combinations that will complement your preferred play style, hero selection, and spell upgrade strategy in the best possible way!

Design Your Item Set

Create a personalized set of four items which will remain at your disposal throughout a match. Experiment with item combinations that will complement your preferred play style, hero selection, and spell upgrade strategy in the best possible way!
Game items

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2023 Spelltroum by Roman Samchuk. All rights reserved.
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